Use "sluice|sluiced|sluices|sluicing" in a sentence

1. Culvert and sluice block and sluice water.

2. McGill, take the sluice.

3. We sluiced the muddy wheels with a hose.

4. I quickly sluiced my face with cold water.

5. Leakage at the lock gates and sluices.

6. We opened the sluice and water poured in.

7. At last the sluice gates were lowered.

8. They sluice the streets down every morning.

9. City sweepers sluice down Telegraph Street every morning.

10. A filled-in marsh is a sluice for sediment.

11. We opened the sluice and the water poured in.

12. Out of the sluice springs an exhaustible supply of water.

13. Convenience sluice gate rapidly, energy, fluid resistance small, you can always operate.

14. The sanitation worker has to sluice the steps down every day.

15. A major practice is to sluice through pipelines to settling pond.

16. New sluice gates hold out the sea water at high tides.

17. The sluice gates are lifted by chains on old fashioned rollers.

18. Algae behind those gates comes pouring through the sluices down to the spillway.

19. 9 The sluice gates are lifted by chains on old fashioned rollers.

20. Then it washes down into the bed and travels through the sluice.

21. We opened the sluices and the upstream water of the river poured into the lock.

22. The defeat opened the sluice gates and venom flowed through in raging torrents.

23. Analyze load behavior of sluice with method of - dimension - linearity finite - element method.

24. Its sluices could be used to flood the whole area if it became infested with invading forces.

25. Hence, they started off digging and panning for surface gold, rinsing their tailings in wooden sluices.

26. Mountain streams are tapped, and water is sluiced to the terraces by a complex system of canals and bamboo tubes.

27. The moment the prison doors closed behind Gandhi the sluice gates of violence opened.

28. However, the Babylonians have controlled this watery wilderness by creating a complex system of dikes, sluices, and canals.

29. It is only responsible for the reservoir itself and for the sluice gates, says Maxwell.

30. We had to sluice out the garage to get rid of the smell of petrol.

31. 11 However much Asians trumpet the value of parsimony, their governments any in opening the fiscal sluices.

32. Buddles are ore processing contraptions that work like sluices to wash lighter material away from the heavier metal or ore

33. Sure enough, they've got half a dozen cradles and a big sluice box down in the canyon.

34. To make the switch from the lower to upper sluice, the outlet of Sand Lake was blocked off.

35. In order to keep the water in control during construction, two sluices, artificial channels for conducting water, were kept open in the dam.

36. The loosened gravel and gold would then pass over sluices, with the gold settling to the bottom where it was collected.

37. Water was conducted into the meadow via artificially constructed channels and elaborate sluice gates and allowed to flow across the grass.

38. The sluice receives the product in a charged manner via the charging door and allows it to pass into the oven.

39. Just opposite the point where the brook which runs past Lawrence's old home joins the Erewash itself stands a mill sluice.

40. * The NE observes that the designer of a spillway is not only faced with the problem of flood control but also with that of sediment control and cites the "ICOLD” to note that the state of the art is today that "Bottom outlets may be used for under sluicing of floods, emptying of reservoirs, sluicing of sediments and preventing sediment from entering intakes etc.”

41. One of their largest mines was at Las Medulas in León, where seven long aqueducts enabled them to sluice most of a large alluvial deposit.

42. Today, many valves Actuation application such as sluice gates and quarter turn valves, demand more from hydraulic and pneumatic actuators than ever before

43. Anglers can practice their sport in different sluices and, with its three riding estates , Tinnum is the ideal holiday location for all fans of equestrian sports.

44. Although the German part of the Saar has been upgraded to a waterway by deepening, construction of sluices and straightening, there is no significant shipping traffic.

45. He smiled without humour when Frankie sucked at the soap-filled cloth in order to sluice the taste of rancid beck-water from his mouth.

46. Inspect manage is perforative project whole process: Action, bid, coordinate schedule, budgetary final accounts, optimize a design, reduce excavate and concrete backfill, cancelled scouring sluice.

47. The air rings with water music as snowmelt and spring rains sluice down the Rize Valley, tumbling in broad cataracts from one brimful lake to another.

48. This knowledge also enabled them to select Lothal's location in the first place, as the Gulf of Khambhat has the highest tidal amplitude and ships can be sluiced through flow tides in the river estuary.

49. The average annual temperature is 16o C. Battir has a unique irrigation system that utilizes man-made terraces and a system of manually diverting water via sluice gates.

50. Some were quite complex, with aqueducts, dams, and sluices to maintain and channel the water, along with systems of gears, or toothed-wheels made of wood and metal to regulate the speed of rotation.

51. Nguyen Ngoc Cong, director of HCM City's Flood Prevention Centre, said this year the city would build six big sluice gates in Tan Thuan, Ben Nghe, Phu Xuan, Muong Chuoi, Cay Kho and Phu Dinh.

52. He is causing vapors to ascend from the extremity of the earth; he has made even sluices for the rain; he is bringing forth the wind from his storehouses, he who struck down the firstborn ones of Egypt, both man and beast.

53. Dark! Dark! & this Atrophous fatigue, even as I slope for Sleep's quicker sluice, what or who sees a pen rebel w/ abject Lines late seen? (now comes the violent show, sour and foul Pentathalons grazing, dream raping me with executions / beefcake nightmare fraud - cavalry huntdown, extremism's last party

54. * Accordingly, India's design of sluice spillway at Baglihar with five outlets is regarded as appropriate and permissible under the Treaty for sediment control of the reservoir and evacuation of a large part of the design flood and being in conformity with the international practice and the state of the art.

55. This decision will help India to deal more effectively with the problems of sedimentation in its future projects as the NE has confirmed India's design of large bottom outlets (sluice spillway) as the most important technique to be employed in managing the high volumes of sediment which characterise the Himalayan Rivers.

56. * The NE after a detailed analysis of a data base of about 13000 dams from the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)'s World Register of Dams to analyse the type of spillway, gated or ungated, and a historical review of construction of large orifice outlets as well as a consideration of ICOLD guidelines, held that the site conditions at Baglihar require a gated spillway, and also held that in view of the high flood discharges and heavy silt loads, India's design of gated spillways – both chute (surface) spillway and sluice spillways, as well as the number, size and location of their gates for the Baglihar dam complies with the design criteria set out in Annexure D of the Indus Waters Treaty.